crazy, weird, UNIQUE!

Posts tagged ‘JESUS’


Victory surely is sweet.

As my high school alma mater and school that I just happen to work at now (what a blessing that is!) moved toward VICTORY against our biggest rival in the history of both schools, my heart felt like it couldn’t take it!  I was so nervous when the game started and it only got worse as the game progressed.  When we took the lead, it wasn’t by much and I was ready to start pacing.  The game was packed so I didn’t try and disrupt anyone trying to get out of the stands even though I came close to doing it several times.  My husband, a major Rebel fan as well, almost a bigger fan, but definitely bigger critic encouraged me to hang in there and see it all the way through.  Man…I wanted to bolt!  It was like my life or something was hinged on this one little game.  How crazy does that sound!?!  This game was seriously intense until the last 44 seconds where we finally had the ball and only had to kneel it twice.  What a HUGE sigh of relief!

I had a friend ask me earlier that day when I was talking about how nervous I was for this game, “Win or lose, isn’t the sun still going to shine tomorrow?”  That question helped me so much!  At that point, I was even thinking of not going to the game! GASP!  His words did help me get through the game.  When I thought I was about to instantly contract a bleeding ulcer, I would remember, win or lose…it’s gonna be ok!  But.. But..

I WANTED THAT VICTORY!   And we did possess it in the end, thank the good Lord.

The sun did shine a bit brighter the next day… and victory is sweet!  But today I think of a victory that I wish we could all possess… AND WE REALLY CAN, but we have to decide to receive it.

This victory is sweeter than any other!!!

I went to a memorial service for a member of our church, friend and family member today where I was reminded again that the victory we have in Jesus is the best, most sweetest and is above all others.  Football games, making the A or wearing your “skinny” jeans is nothing compared to what we have with the blood of Jesus Christ.

We have life after death.  Actually death here on earth is just a period, a dot, a bend in the road as the preacher referred to it today…  It is actually a BEGINNING ..a beginning of our eternal life, free from sorrow, tears or fear.  Wow!





What in the World!?!

What is going on with this place I live in?  We have mass murders, scare tactics and things people are calling conspiracies more and more every day.

What is going on!?!

I’m no expert or some great thinker.  I don’t hold degrees in theology or anything that some may seem to others as a higher-level thinking degree, really.  I don’t have answers or solutions for everything.  (note: no earthly person does!)

I do know how to pray, talk with others about miracles and things that truly matter and I know that the BIBLE is our guide book.  That is what I know.

Just as observer, pray-er, born again believer and crazy art teacher, I think…

We are more worried about what other people are doing than getting up and doing something ourselves.

We are a huge society of “it’s not my fault.” We blame others.  We don’t take responsibility for OURSELVES.

We concern ourselves more with right wing, left wing than God’s got this!

We STRESS! We worry.  We make ourselves sick thinking of what COULD happen.

We like revenge for some reason.  We seek revenge more than love.

I found this short video not too long ago and loved the message Andy Stanley has here.  He helped me to remember that no matter what happens here, God is in control.  We just need to have faith…and fix our eyes on JESUS.

Please take a couple of minutes to listen…




Jesus is in my heart.  When I say the name of JESUS, I’m talking to Jesus.  I’m not just saying the name, “JESUS” to be saying it.  I do sometimes say it out of exasperation, but it’s as a help.  Like, JESUS please help me!  He is always there.  He’s always close, because He DOES live  within me.

I hear people saying that name just to be saying it.  Jesus is neither sitting beside them, entering the room for them nor do they show the fruit of Him living within them.

YET, they say His name!  That is MY FRIEND.  He is my blessed assurance… Jesus is mine!  They do not need to call on His name unless that is what HE is for them.

We can all call the name of Jesus.  I know this.  I am not saying I do not want to share Jesus.  On the contrary!  I want to share Jesus with everyone!  I want them to be able to say that name with true meaning, not flippantly like I hear it being used so many times.

JESUS!  I love You!  JESUS!  I need You!  JESUS!  I want to live for You!  JESUS!  I thank You for dying on the cross for me!  JESUS!  I thank You for being there when no human can or will!  JESUS!  I praise You for providing me with grace and hope.  JESUS!  


10,000 steps

Where would 10,000 steps take you?

10,000 steps is my daily step goal.

That seems like a big number, but it’s only around 5 miles.  I have short little legs so it’s prob closer to 4 than it is 5.  Either way, that 10,000 number seems big until you convert it. I mean, look at all those zeros!

Even so, where can we go in four miles. Four miles is nothing to really scoff at for a short legged walker like me. For a walker of any type I would think it’s not a bad trek. For a runner I guess it is not real far.  For a driver, it’s nothing, especially if you live in a big city and commute many times that number to work. 

So back to my question… Where can 10,000 steps take you? 

At work, It takes me to the office and back about 100 times a day.  

Really though, that’s not my goal or my point here… 

We need to be taking steps for Jesus.  

I wonder how many steps he took in his lifetime?  How many did he take on that road to the cross? I know, I know, I won’t really be worrying about those numbers when I get to actually see Jesus one day but for now, I can wonder.  I can! 

Let’s take our steps with intent.  Let’s take our steps with a mission in mind.  I know leisurely strolls are nice or walking around the house in the evening to get to that step goal of the day is necessary sometimes like it was for me tonight.  I had 150 to go so I swept the house a few times before I got my PJs on. Ha! 

Let’s put one foot in front of the other, moving forward to the goal while we work to get all those we can to walk with us!  Jesus did Easter so we could walk freely with the dwelling of the Holy Spirit.  AND so we can be in paradise one day. (AMEN!)  Let’s use those 10,000 steps to help others see Him. 

Help others. Put others first. Love one another. Show people you love you love them. Show people who are hard to love LOVE ANYWAY.  Step out and step boldly for the cause of Jesus Christ, because in the end, the amount of miles you made aren’t really going to matter…it’s the direction you were going with each step you take. 

Where are your 10,000 next steps going to take you?

Thank YOU for good coffee. 

 Thank You Jesus for good coffee, comfortable shoes, un-bunchy underwear and laughter.

Thank You Jesus for deep breaths, warm fuzzy blankets, hugs that mean something and good coffee.

Thank You Jesus for positive attitudes, good coffee, things that sparkle and color coordination.

Thank You Jesus for soft hands to hold, good deeds for no reason, caring coworkers and good coffee.

Today is a great day to be thankful.

I cannot stop saying thank You Jesus!  He helps me, guides me and sustains me daily, but I don’t thank Him enough.

As I end my afternoon with a good cup of coffee plus two creamers from a place I usually don’t stop at but it was much less crowded than my usual favorite, I am overwhelmed by the constant happiness Jesus provides in my life. From a simple cup of coffee to the awesome blessing of song He gave me today… I THANK HIM!

I sang at a dear sweet lady’s funeral today. She was a constant at our church and she will be missed. Women like her are easy to love.  Those are the kind of people we should definitely thank God for!  It was very hard to hold back emotion through that funeral, but I had to in order to sing.  The first song I sang was one I had never sung except the last couple of days in practice.  I knew God would take care of my nerves and He sure did.  I can’t even remember singing that song really, because  I know it was Him doing it. Not me. That feeling is one I wish all can have. I hope that there is something in your life that you can do (or participate in) and experience that kind of power.  It truly is something HUGE to be thankful for. Wow.

The coffee is almost gone, but my thankful heart will continue. I love that God grants us all these blessings!  How can we not be thankful!?!?

It is not happy people who are thankful, but thankful people who are HAPPY.

No Negotiation

You cannot negotiate the truth.  

Ok, so my opinion is not yours. I understand that, but if it’s true…


If I tell you I like the color green and you tell me that I don’t …whaaaat?

That is a non-negotiable point. 


In fact, it’s my favorite color. 

Green makes me feel happy. It gives me a free feeling.

I know it is my opinion and perhaps not yours, but it’s still true. 

It’s the same way I feel about God. 

My God is real. He is alive and sent His Son to save me.  YES, this is my opinion, but it is TRUTH. 

Try and argue, try and tell me it ain’t so. Ok.  

Yes, that’s all I have to say. 


I, of course, hope you change your mind and accept Jesus as your Savior. AGAIN I say,”Of course!” But my opinion of the FACT will not change due to your difference with me.  


Peace, I love peace!

First let me say, I know nothing can be as huge as the sending of God’s only son to us as a great sacrifice and the pouring out of grace.  This was the most precious blessing we could ever receive.

I am reminded over and over that our JESUS LIVES!

I am absolutely overwhelmed by the blessings God showers down.

TODAY I got to see the power of HIS word.  I got to see prayers work almost as soon as they were voiced.  I got to see HIM at work.  It was an overwhelming feeling to know that God did that just for me.  My blessings today were many things, but the best gift was that of peace today.

I love peace.  I’m overwhelmed by the fact that He allowed peace to flow abundantly in my life today.  I just had to type it down!  I know, there are no details.  Just know, PEACE was what happened.

Peace, I love peace!

Does it always have to be about being Christian?

A while back, a friend of mine had someone ask her if EVERYTHING to her had to be about being a Christian?

This keeps coming into my head.  I keep answering the question up in there too.  YES.  It really does need to be all about FOLLOWING JESUS.  That is what Christian means, right?  If I call myself a Christian, I’m a follower of Christ.  Therefore, YES, EVERYTHING falls under that.

Being a Christian to me is like nothing else I am.  It’s as constant as the fact that I’m a woman, but still not the same.  It’s more than that.  Being a Christian involves much more than just gender or culture or the color of my skin.  It is what holds everything I am together.  How did I do it before I was born again??? –is the question I ask myself over and over.

I pray that everyday I become more and more like Christ.  That is what Christians are supposed to strive for, right?  We are supposed to live CHRIST-LIKE.  We are supposed to press on toward the reward that is awaiting us BECAUSE JESUS CHRIST, emphasizing CHRIST (since I’m talking about CHRISTian here) gave His life so we could have it.

DOES THIS MEAN that I can’t be friends with non-Christians?  NO.  Does this mean I’m “holier than thou?”  HAHAHA…no! Does this mean I can only love those who love Jesus?  NO!  I’m to love my neighbor and that is EVERYONE. (Mark 12:31) There are no stipulations in the Bible that say I’m to only love people just like me.  I’m supposed to love ALL Y’ALL!   I do believe that is what I will try my hardest to do.




Yes.  I have chosen to be a Christian.


Reminds me of a song.  (Like most things do!)

Check these guys out—


Are you too much of something?  We think of ourselves as too fat, too ugly.  Too tired to do something.  Too much work to do.  Too much time or is it tooooo LITTLE time?  Too short, to tall, too hairy, too loud…
They say too much of anything is bad, right?

I wouldn’t say that about ALL THINGS.  Somethings can’t be measured on the TOO MUCH scale.  I can never get too much love, smiles, inspiration, joy or JESUS.

I’ve been called TOO HAPPY.  You know what that makes me?  EVEN HAPPIER!  I do not take offense to that even when the person saying it may mean it to be offensive.  I do admit my happiness may be annoying to others at times, but to tell someone they are TOO happy implies that there is such a thing.  I believe that is false.  How can you be TOO HAPPY?  I understand there are drugs out there that can induce happiness and maybe that is getting a little TOO HAPPY.  I’ve heard people refer to drunk people as TOO HAPPY.  To me, those state of minds are not really HAPPY…those things are just masking sad or angry or… whatever.

I promise you, I am not partaking of anything that is messing with the chemical make-up of my brain.

I AM HAPPY.  Yes, I try my absolute hardest to look at the good in every situation.  I AM HAPPY.  Too happy?  Absolutely not ..and how do I know?  Because MY HAPPY comes from knowing that JESUS went to the cross for me and because of Him, I can have hope for every day. (#thankfulEVERYday)  I know without a doubt that I always have a friend with me, beside me and in me.  I know that WHATEVER happens…I WIN IN THE END.  I know that I am a victor over anything, because HE has given me that victory already–IT’S DONE!  Yes, I struggle with issues.  I am hard on myself and others at times.  I said I was HAPPY, not perfect!  I go through the trials, tribulations and hard times of this world, but my outlook on the good or bad of this life is HAPPY, because JESUS LIVES!

I pray that you too can be TOO HAPPY because of the exact same reason!


Am I?

We all have questions. Some more than others.  I’m not a big question asker.  I’m not inherently nosey. I am not a good investigator. 

But I do have this question I ask myself daily. Sometimes I ask it numerous times a day. I’m usually not a person who worries, but I admit, I do get concerned about this question.  I believe that if you are a Christian as well, you will relate to this question. You have probably uttered this question under your breath, in the corners of your mind or even blurted it out in prayer.  

“Am I doing enough to show others JESUS?”

I don’t think any of us are ever truly hitting our full sharing Jesus potential. So maybe my question should be, 

“Am I trying as hard as I can to share You, Jesus?”

Some days don’t seem as full of effort as others do to me.  At times, I feel like I’m walking the way I’m supposed to, but then I trip up.  I am so grateful we can be in constant contact with the Lord. Prayer is power and helps me feel the confidence I know I can always have in the Lord.  My crazy mind gets all tangled up with things of this world, though and I know I fail at sharing JESUS through my speech and actions. 

Lord, please remind me constantly that I need to walk the walk and talk the talk.  Jesus did so much for all of us and I never want to be one of those who deny His grace. I want to be clothed in it and shine so brightly that others know without a doubt I have Jesus is in my heart.  I pray that my question can always be answered with a YES. YES I AM.  In His precious name, amen.  

Live Designed

a life shared by Savanna Chel Beanland

Blogs by Rea

You are loved.

Heaven's White Noise

Can you hear it?

Tammy Whitehurst

crazy, weird, UNIQUE!

Ricky's Ramblings

A mediocre guy trying to leave his mark on the world

Redbird's Roost

The Future Is As Bright As The Promises Of God

Sally Cariker

Random thoughts and musings.

Brett E. Shoemaker

Live On Purpose

Martin love 5

Ordinary family serving an extraordinary God


A notebook in the chrysalis

Yearn for More

Your Expectations and Actions will Render a New you!!!

Technology Teacher Times

Technology in the Classroom and More

Clawson's Bloggity

crazy, weird, UNIQUE!

School Life

We CARE about the LIFE of your SCHOOL

Frizzy Chic

Where glitter and frizzy hair are just a way of life!

Rhythm And Glues

Adventures in Elementary Art and Music Education